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DPDgroup launches the world's first drone traffic in scheduled service


The General Directorate for Civil Aviation (DGAC) has authorised DPDgroup, the international express subsidiary of Le Groupe La Poste, to operate a regular commercial line in the Var department of France.

Once a week, the DPDgroup drone travels between Saint-Maximin-La-Sainte-Beaume and Pourrières, in south of France (Provence region). The route (about 15km)  makes it possible to delivery items to a cut-off incubator of companies including a dozen start-ups specialized in technology. Their parcels (up to 3kg) now delivered by Chronopost and DPD France will be sent by drone from the Pick-up point in Saint-Maximin.

For both the departure and arrival of the drone, a delivery terminal is used to secure the parcel loading phases, from take-off to landing and placement of the parcel.


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